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Friday, 2 October 2015

Top 5 Foods That Boost Your Energy Levels


Goji berries are not as well‐known across the globe as some of the other food items on this list. They have been consumed in China for thousands of years. Increasing energy levels by consuming goji berries is due to the fact they can increase blood flow, stimulating your brain activity, cells and muscle tissue. Increased blood flow oxygenates your body and reduces stress and even increases libido, two strong signs of improved energy levels

8 Chocolate of Any Kind

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Chocolate – Photo: André Karwath aka Aka
Many people don’t realize that chocolate is actually a source of caffeine, which is the last thing that you want to do before bed. If you wouldn’t want to have a cup of coffee and then go to bed, you should leave the chocolate alone for the same reason.

6 A Slice of Pizza

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If you’ve got a leftover slice of pizza in your refrigerator, you’ll definitely want to save it for lunch. The fatty, greasy toppings that pizza is known for will not only lead to weight gain, but can also cause heart burn and other related issues right before you drift off to sleep at night.

Pasta is one of the best foods to eat if you’re hungry because a little bit goes a long way. The issue with eating pasta late at night, however, is that it’s such a fatty food that it will almost certainly lead to weight gain while you sleep. The carbohydrates in pasta turn to fat pretty quickly, so if you’re trying to eat healthy at night you’ll definitely want to look elsewhere.
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If you’re a still a little hungry after dinner and are looking for a way to hold yourself over until breakfast, there are a few key things to keep in mind. While it’s true that a little “midnight snack” never hurt anybody, that isn’t a blanket rule that applies to all foods. There are ten key types of foods in particular that you should never eat at night for a number of reasons.
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A big, juicy steak may be delicious, but it’s hardly the best thing to eat right before bed. Red meat will kick your body’s natural processes into overtime and will make it incredibly difficult to get the type of deep sleep that you really need after a hard day at work.

Vegetables are inherently nutritious, so you may think that they’re the perfect thing to eat right before bed if you want to stay healthy. In reality, you’d be very wrong. Vegetables tend to have a large amount of fiber, which moves incredibly slowly through your digestive system. This is another late night snack that will only keep you awake longer than you need to be.never eat
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