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Friday, 25 September 2015

This ace comedian shares same birthday with his daughter

What could be as amazing as your birthday? Your daughter sharing the same birthday with, most certainly is even more amazing.
Abovi Ugboma, simply known as Bovi, took to Instagram to celebrate himself and his daughter who share the same birthday today.
He this photo of himself,
 Showing gratitude, he said:
"36 and no regrets! I asked God to let me survive every risk I take and let me learn from the mistakes I make. I saw stumbling blocks as stepping stones; I saw road blocks as detours. And this is only the beginning. And thank you to all those who didn't have or see a reason to believe me but believed".
He followed it with a phot of his daughter, Elena, who is now 2:
Captioning it, he said:
"My birthday mate. My joy, my jewel (only one other like you), my pride, my show off. Happy birthday my daughter!!!"
Last year, Bovi threw a Disney-themed birthday party for his daughter, mostly inspired by the 'Frozen' princess, Elena.
Pulse wishes them a happy birthday.
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